Learning Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP is like learning the language of the mind or how the neural language functions.

It’s said in NLP that the conscious mind is the goal setter and the unconscious mind is the goal getter. Your unconscious mind tries to get for you what you desires in life are.

If there was one thing that you could change, maybe a habit you could break, what would it be?

NLP is like a user’s manual for the mind and by taking NLP training you learn to become fluent in the language of your mind so that the ever-so-helpful server”that is your unconscious, will finally understand what you want out of life.

NLP is the study of excellent communication with yourself as well as others. It was developed by studying leading communicators and therapists who got results with their clients.

NLP is much more than a set of tools and techniques. It is an attitude and a methodology of knowing how to achieve your results.

Although NLP can transform your life in infinite ways, here are the 5 easiest ways.

1. Identify and overcome your weakness with dissociation

Do certain situations give you a bad feeling? Maybe you experience something that gets you, and you feel low every time you experience it. Do you get nervous in situations where you have to speak publicly? Do you get shy when you want to approach that “special someone”? These feelings of nervousness, sadness or shyness seem to be automatic, but they can be controlled pretty easily.

NLP technique of dissociation can help you with this.

Identify the emotion (e.g. fear, rage, discomfort etc)

Imagine that you can float out of your body and look back at yourself, observing the situation objectively rather than letting your emotions drive you, and discover how to handle it differently.

Notice how your feelings change.

2. Make better decisions with content reframing

Reframing is basically taking any negative situation and empowering yourself by changing the meaning of the experience into something positive.

Let’s say that your relationship has ended. It seems awful. However, that is just a matter of perspective.

You can just as easily analyse the benefits of being single. The freedom to do whatever you want. You can look back and find valuable lessons.

These are some of the examples of reframing the situation.

It’s natural to panic or focus on fear in some situations but this just leads to more problems. In contrast, if you work on shifting your focus in the way just described, it’ll help you clear your head and make responsible, even-headed decisions.

3. Change your mood with the technique of anchoring

Originated by Russian Scientist Ivan Pavlov who experimented with the dogs by ringing a bell (in case you are thinking – It wasn’t a bell!, just use it as a simple analogy cause Pavlov originally realised that it was the white lab coats / jackets of his assistants and then is said to have experimented with other things like metronomes, bells etc.) repeatedly while the dogs were eating. After a few cycles, he found that he could get the dogs to salivate by ringing the bell anytime, even if there was no food present.

The neurological association between the bell and the behaviour of the salivating is known as a conditioned response.

You can choose a positive emotion or thought and deliberately connect it to a simple gesture and trigger this anchor any time you are feeling low.

Identify the emotion you want to feel.

Decide where you would like to place this anchor on your body, such as pulling your earlobe, touching your knuckle or squeezing your fingernail. Physical touch will allow you to trigger positive feelings at will.

Think of a time in the past when you were feeling the emotion you want to anchor.

When you go back to the memory – touch, pull, squeeze the area on your body that you choose while you relive the memory.

This will create a neurological stimulus-response that will trigger the desired state whenever you make that touch again.

Each time you add another memory, the anchor becomes more potent and will trigger a stronger response.

4. Make others like you by mirroring their actions

This NLP technique involves subtly mirroring another person’s body language, tone of voice and words.

People like people who are similar to themselves. By subtly mirroring the other person, the brain fires off “mirror neurons” pleasure sensors in the brain which make people feel the sense of liking for anyone mirroring them.

The technique is pretty simple: stand or sit the way the other person is sitting, tilt your head the same way, and smile when they smile. Mirror their facial expressions. Cross your legs when they cross theirs etc.

Make sure you mirror their actions after an interval of 3-5 seconds to be safe and keep the mirroring subtle so that the other person doesn’t notice you mirroring them.

5. Resolve conflicts with yes frame agreement

This is the best way to make people trust you. This works best when negotiating a sales deal or when you have contradicting views with someone during a discussion.

People don’t like it when someone doesn’t agree with them. What do you do in a situation like this? Especially when you’re dealing with a client, colleagues or a senior at work?

Use the yes frame agreement to put your point across, without agreeing or disagreeing with them.

The way this works is – imagine a colleague saying, ‘I hate having the weather today.’ How’d you react to this? Especially if you’re not at all bothered by the weather?

Most people react to this by saying, ‘I get what you’re saying but at least it’s not raining.’

This immediately sends a signal to your colleague that you don’t agree with them.

But, you can change this by saying, ‘I get what you’re saying and at least it’s not raining.’

Eliminating the word ‘but’ from the sentence makes it sound like you’re on their side. Even though, you aren’t.

Sounds easy, right? And it’s quite effective, too.

These are some easy NLP techniques, that have the power to help you get along with anyone.

There are lots of ways to build rapport. There are many other ways that neuro linguistic programming is changing the lives of people.

These methods have helped people improve their behavioural skills, management and leadership abilities and become problem solvers.

Are you keen on learning NLP techniques?

Do check out Zingformation NLP workshops for individuals and organisations

Know someone whose life can change for the good because of these techniques? Do share this article with them on social media.

Zingformation aims is to make individuals and organisations more productive and help them live the life they desire. We have transformed more than 3.5 lac individuals and conducted more than 50,000 workshops and training sessions.
Learn more about Zingformationformation here.